Monday, May 5, 2008

Random Survey

Did you say anything funny today?
Not yet.

What are you looking forward to?
June first. THEN, this Friday. Odd, I know, but I've got my reasons :)

What are you not looking forward to?
Another change of seasons..

What is on your bedroom walls?

Are there any cool things in your bathroom?
Nope. Not that I know of.

How about the kitchen?
Me Starbucks chipped mug :D

Where are you right now?
Workstation @ home. But no work to be done. Soon, maybe.

And what are you thinking about?

Do you wish you could change some things about your current situation?
Which current situation?

Do you know what you want in life?
Nope. That's the beauty of it. Lol.

Do you know what you want right now?
It depends on which issue you're talking about :)

Any love interests?
Me likey likey you, love :)

Who's your best friend?
I don't really have a best friend, but a couple of close friends, yep.

What's the last thing you watched on television?
La Bamba on HBO in Port Dickson last Christmas.

What kind of computer do you have?
No computers, just a crap HP laptop.

What's your favorite flower?

Do you like video games?
It depends? I've always been a freak for Final Fantasy VII ..

Do you sleep with any stuffed animals?

Do you sleep with a nightlight?
Yep. The light at the bloody fire escape that lights up my room though all of the lights are off -_-

What is the longest amount of time you've ever been awake?
48 hours ++?

What is the longest amount of time you've ever been asleep?
I've got no idea. 15 hours?

Do you exercise?
Used to.

Can you play any instruments?

Can you sing?

Have any natural talents?
.. Adaptation?

Jazz or rap?

Classical or pop?

Rock or country?

Are you one of those people who crave chocolate?

Can you sit still for long periods of time?
Never in the KDU's lecture theater. But there was once I drove for 10 hours. Bwahahahahahaha..

Who was the teacher you hated the most?
My accounts teacher back in highschool. That's why I joined the science stream.

Can you walk well in heels?
I doubt they would even have my size.. lol

Do you look like anyone people would know?
Ask those who know me, they'll tell you -_-

Are you a good dancer?

Can you tell regular time?

Are you an honest/trustworthy person?
That depends on you :)

Would you do anything for a quick buck?
I'd rather work for a buck.

Are you saving it till marriage?
Guitars? Cars? Virginity? What la?

Will you have children?
Hmmm. Still giving it a thought.

What song do you want to have played at your funeral?
Dream Theater - Overture 1928. Lol .. But if I ever die with my wife by my side, it'll definitely be Dream Theater - Through Her Eyes.

Do you think you'll do anything amazing with your life?
I can never tell, until tomorrow comes today ..

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