Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A New Experience.

Today, as you know, I mengamuk'ed and merajuk'ed at my scheduling manager for stuffing me at The Curve for Wesak's Day.

But honestly, the environment there is better. Except that the bar was kind of .. small.. It's hard to move about and all.

And the best thing is, instead of listening to the usual Starbucks music, there was a pub in front of us, and damn! The band there was playing Little Wing by Jimi Hendrix.. My all time favourite, then Van Halen's Jump .. and then Hotel California by The Eagles.. and ... and..

It really put me in the mood to work.. Although I was kind of slow .. I could've done better over experience.. But..damn, I guess I'm not prepared to handle a busy store.. Had a brief shot at it. Honestly, I nearly died.

But all was over when I kept on listening to ... Worthwhile, reviewing its mistakes, flaws, and getting more ideas of what to put in the near future..

Still in the arrangement stage, and there will be no preview for this song until ... Well, I feel like it.. XD

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