Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back To The Basics.

I just came back from a minor taste of how it was like before I liked cars.. They are beautiful machines, true, but I grew up being on 2 wheels.

In fact, when I had 2 wheels, I already cycled to various places in Penang by the age of 9 or 10.

7 years later, was on the bike illegally. A few months later, I got my licence, but still ran around illegally.

And today, I came home, took my own helmet that nobody else is supposed to wear, and went off for a minor errand.

God..... it felt so good..

Although the Wave 100 isn't a fully manual bike, but it'll have to do. Downshifting gears, using the heel-and-toe technique in cars on the bike to rev the engine so it doesn't lose speed around corners, and over-powering the bike and going faster..and faster.

Till a point where it sounded like it was going to explode..

Mmmm ...... My visit here in Penang is just about done.. wheeeee..

Can I ship the bike down to KL please? :(

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