Thursday, May 8, 2008

Just Another Day In College..

Nothing much. Just should've known to not enter class today. Or something. I would've missed out quite a bit, but damn, I hate Management Accounting...

.... This subject memang dosa wei.. -_____________________________________- .. It's like a disease that could not have existed, but humans decided to menge-exist-kan it to destroy our lives. Blahhhhhhhh.

I can't believe it nearly put me to sleep. Never felt so damned stoned last night; especially from how tired I was from work last night..

All felt literally like shit; until I remembered that I brought a piece of paper with me..

Worthwhile is nearly completed. Just needs a little bit of patching up here and there, arrangements, and polishing, then it should be completed.

Like usual, all the inspiration hits me during class. Which reminds me; back in form 3, I used to write a total of 7 extreme poems for my 2nd ex .. Which lasted only for 2 weeks.. Meaning I wrote an average of one poem per 2 days. Hohoho.

But my brain's getting a little bit rusty, so .. I'm not exactly contented. But the modal structure makes up to everything for the disatisfaction.

And random thoughts of the past; with these 2 rings of mine.. Knowing that she still supports me in whatever I do, just not as much as before..

And random happy thoughts of me letting her go for the better - to be more independent.. Mmm..

Should I get more rings and equip myself with a metal knuckle? Lol.. So bloody tukau.

*scratches head*

Guess I'm off to take a nap before my Starbucks class later. Mmm. .change of schedule, looks like I'm off for 4 days.. Yumm!

Next stop: PORT DICKSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOO HOOOOOOO.. finally a vacation!! XD

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