Friday, July 25, 2008

There's This Riff..

.. That's constantly revolving around my head, over and over again.

It carries an melodic message, but too bad, I'm not in the mood to answer or decode it at the moment.

It links with the current status of my emotions - which up to this I can't even be bothered about.

While I was out a minute ago, there were several times that I had to do last minute braking, panicing and all that's unimaginable only because I was conscious enough.

I blame it on Malaysian roads and other drivers, anyways. Both the roads and other drivers share one thing in common - they're not properly furnished.

Besides that, I was around Penang. To the places I never went before, and my word, it was beautiful. Just constant speed, no traffic, and no irritating traffic lights.

And now, I'm at a place that many claim that it should be my home. But something's still missing. It feels like an abandoned artifact, filled with souls that carry a story. Probably stories of the past; of how this place was once cheerful.

Of how this place was once filled with noise.

Of how a little boy; who had dreams to build his guitar foundation here.

Looks like there can never be another place to replace this ground. I started off here, and I'm still improving at this area.

It's pretty much amazing how this place inspires me to improve.

Then again, the more I play, surprisingly, the more a part of myself dies. But the more this part of me dies, the better results are achieved.

I am lost.

But it's worth the sacrifice.

Anyways, I can't be bothered, honestly. I must be going out of my mind at the moment.

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