Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Definitely Not My Week.

Financial Accounting was pretty much okay.

But Management Accounting should cease to exist. It has nothing to do with accounts, I feel. If lecturers were our guidance through the subjects, then I suppose Management Accounting is supposed to be filled with football, American Idol, petrol prices and so forth.

It's off topic, I know, but it's what I go through in class everytime.

The lecturer sucks shit, honestly.

When I opened my paper for MA today, I tell you, I felt like stabbing the facilitators in the eye with my pencil.

I had no clue what the hell was going on.

I checked what I was missing of: 18 marks to at least pass my FA1, and 19 marks to at least pass my MA1.

Meaning that I need to score at least 33.33% on both FA and MA final papers..

... wow.



Until now, I still feel so .. lost..

As pussified sissyness as it sounds, I finally felt like breaking down just now, but.. oi. Who am I to break down?

To make things better, I received a love letter from MPPJ just now for illegal parking, so ..

There goes another RM40 .. and I already paid to PDM yesterday.. RM30 ..

That, plus the trip that made me crack the ipod. .

and finals. .

and irritating peoples, sometimes.

Why's all the negativity getting to me, again? I need to wake up, honestly.

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