Monday, November 17, 2008

Take A Step.

And you'll know what's right for you.
It's a lot better to move at a constant rate,
Rather than to stand still.

Of what you need, and what you want.
Set a vision that you'd wish to see.
Set a goal, of who you want to be.

What is the condition?
Is your decision better off now, or an hour later?
Because it only takes a second to end a another life.

If your pace was set for a certain level,
Push yourself further,
But before the blood vessels pop.

To yourself, and others of what you want to do.
For it could be a reminder towards yourself,
To push yourself to what you want.

I noticed that sometimes, it doesn't take the people around you to move towards a goal, but it takes personal initiative to make things happen.

Besides, nobody knows what's best, so why not contribute what you know, and have a team move forth with what you think; and what they have in mind.

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