Saturday, November 29, 2008

I Did My Time!

Finally. The semester ended.

I learnt a lesson. The most stupidest subject turned out to be the one that stumped us all. I'm not sure if it stumped the smart ones in the class, but it definitely got me.

Like seriously. First time in my entire life, I never felt so pressured before. I faced more serious deadlines compared to this assignment I considered as child's play. But I was wrong in so many ways.

Although it was a semi-opened book sort of thing, but you have got to have the brains to overlook and think outside of the box.

Thank goodness I come up with all sort of nonsense to get me through.

Although I did get my answers all written down after a computerised account, but that doesn't mean my answers are going to telly with the examiners. I've seen others doing worse than me, and I feel their pain.

I really have to admit that this wasn't easy at all. It took great knowledge as this is our first time doing accounts based on a programme.

Thank goodness the nightmare's over. And to think, I was literally shaking my legs until this day had come.

Here's a secret; I admitted that I didn't need to study. But it was the written test before that which warmed things up. Making me realise a lot of things I never realised that prepared me for the external test.

My goodness.

I was rather traumatised right after the exam. It was at that point where I felt tensed, and I needed a smoke out of no reason. Would be kind of stupid to start smoking because of an exam, and I nearly broke down.

I did, but I think nobody heard. Haha.

It's all over now. Phew. The rest of the subjects weren't hard. Like usual, the ones I thought was easy, turned out tough whereas the hard ones were easy.

I suppose it's a human psychological thing. Maybe the subjects I did were too easy and I paid less attention to them, whereas the hard ones were the ones I didn't have much confidence in, and paid more attention to them?

*scratches head*

English is hard. I will improve by tomorrow because I think English is hard.

Well, a day well spent. A lesson well learnt.

So it's back to the musical retreat.

Oh happy days..

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