Saturday, November 15, 2008

Keep Your Head Up.

No matter what happens, it's the next day you'll have to face.

So why bother complaining about what you've been through, and prepare for what's coming up next and try to avoid any inconvenience.

I've learnt how to smile again,
I've learnt how to create music with odd yet satisfying ideas,
I've learnt how to plan and manage even better,
I've learnt how to think out of the box and face more in class and subjects,
I've learnt how to face professionalism and how to be open to the criticism of others.

Lastly, I've learnt that you have to go back to the basics to excel amongst the rest.

Randomly, I swapped a book off the shelf in Popular today. It's Music Theories for Dummies. The book costs shit expensive, and hell is the first chapter boring, because it's all about them taugeh ji again, but I've got no choice if I want to further more in whatever I'm doing, regardless if I need not refer to music scores.

Most importantly, I've learnt that I can't be alone. I take back the words I once said, because there were people behind me always.

There's always you behind me, pushing without me noticing.

Goodnight, everybody. Hohohoho..

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