Monday, November 17, 2008

One Last Thing.

Most of you know that I hate chopping my hair off, but oits, I got kantoi'd when I went to HQ about 2 days ago and met my cousin, who's under the Learning & Development Department.

In fact, when she greeted me, she was playing with me mullet.


So I had no choice since people would know that I've got long hair, plus with the next month coming up, I've got a series of events to attend under Starbucks, if it's all approved (I hope?).


From this..

To ... This:

.. Where my ex-supervisor couldn't even recognise me when we were closing the store.
.. Where my store manager said that I turn her on (WTF LMFAO LOLOLOLOLOL)
.. Where I think I look fatter without the mullet.
.. Where I think that I look weird at times at work.

Oh well. I suppose I should shave bald one day, or be like the typical 1980s Rock Star; long, permed, glossy hair.


Goodnight Malaysia. Hello guitars!

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