Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Unexpected Call.

I received a call from my ex-schoolmate; back in the high school days.

It's quite interesting to hear that most of them who went for form 6, found it quite tough, and ended up nearly failing, or failing STPM.

And .. hahaha..the funniest thing is.. everybody did so badly, and when everybody got their replies on their acceptance of any public universities.. What he said was..

Him: "oh, the results came out today. I'm coming down to KL next week."
Me: "Ah. That sucks.. I know what you mean .."
Him: "Well, not only me, but a whole bunch of us didn't make it"

When he said "A whole bunch" .. I couldn't stop laughing.. Hahahahahahahahaha.. Expected stuff.

I would've been one of those 'bunch' if I took up form 6 .. hahahahahaahahahahahahhha..


Sorry, mates! All the best in the future! XD

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