Sunday, December 7, 2008

I Can't Explain This Strange Deja Vu ..

.. But I don't mind.
I hope to find the truth.

It's been a while since I last sat down and thought about things. Like who I want to be, who I once was, and have I improved in any way from a biased-free thought.

The answer is.. I've changed for the better, but good qualities from the past diminished slowly.

I don't know what I've become; and I don't know who I am anymore.

I've been trying to be understanding to some points in life, but I guess that's not turning out fine for me.

Although I stand with minor success, but I feel like I'm in the middle of a battlefield and the flames just gets bigger and bigger.

Who am I?

And who are you?

This is the point where people forget what you once were, and sees you for someone else. Someone new. Someone whom you aren't.

The years have passed, and the people we once knew, isn't the people we know. The appearance of them turns out to be the same, or different, but the soul that you once spoke with just...disappeared?

Where are you?

Every single day, I feel sleepy, not only because I've been reluctant to get adequate rest, but a part of me is losing it.

I'm slowly forgotten. Not by others..

.. But by myself.

The musical side may be a little bit dramatic, but it's like a symbiote that grows in me. The more I run away, the more music I listen, the more I forget, and the more problems accumulate.

.. Where do I go..?

I've lost a great amount of people, and I don't expect to blame anybody for the cause. This is because I am at fault.

The more hatred you have towards a certain individual,
allows evil to conquer your thoughts,
and kills your sanity.

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