Friday, July 16, 2010

Close Call.

I just got to uni not long ago, and I know that my lecturer didn't release the first week's lecture notes.

At least that's what I know.

When I double checked again, it was released already, and boy, was I in for it. I didn't upload it to my iPad, and I was in deep shit (Somehow. Since they use the projector to review the slides anyway)

I checked out Safari, and saw that the lecture slides were available for download. Sheesh.

Since I had three methods to upload the PDF files into my iPad, the Wi-Fi share network was blocked by our glorious UTAS' firewall network. Can't blame them for taking up security anyway. So I had to think of another method.

Download from link - But the iPad/iPhone does not support PDF views in a different frame, so that was another problem.

Downloading from a link, but if the link were to be in a user-friendly interface. Fuck Hotmail for once, but Gmail?

Poof, and I'm all prepared. I think this iPad was a tad bit underpriced. :)

And for those iPad users, please do get the 3.2.1 update. It's released today! (I thought it was the iOS4, like finally. Sigh)

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