Sunday, April 6, 2008

And So..

I'm telling you, work is insane. Now I know what they mean by work is tiring. I've never experienced stuff this hectic before.

.. Which is good! I'm working in somewhat.. an established company, instead of some family-based business. Working in my mum's travel agency is not considered as work, but a waste of time.

I mean.. spending my time going online and doing nothing for a few hours, and that's helping out, to her.

But screw that -lah-. Hohoho. I guess both work and money are my motivation to go on?

... Except for B.o.D. If you all come by Ikano during my work shifts, and don't see me there, I'm the B.o.D. lol

Tired gila. I'll sleep a little bit later. hohoho

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