Now, this is going to be some shit ass random post.
I believe through my blabberings, I have mentioned that I was planning to get an iPhone 3Gs, if possible, through the plan because it's affordable for me at the moment. Unless if I could, I'd wait for 3-5 months, save up as much as I can, and bombard the iPhone on the spot through
Guess what?
I applied for the plan over and over again, but it didn't work. So I tired at an Optus agent, took the required documents and tried to apply but got rejected only because my offer letter stated that I was going to be here until December 2011.
My visa expires in March 2012. So I can still pay for the plan, but I couldn't get the deal because.. Well, it's Optus.
Then comes the multiple online purchases (you wouldn't know how many times I processed the application in a day). Didn't work.
Called customer service, and they said that I was missing of a credit card to apply. (WTF? Hellooo..things doesn't work that way anymore. I'm running on EFTPOS whether you like it or not, and it's your country that introduced such awesome-ness!). Then nevermind that. Tried again, but they said I needed at least a Learner's licence to apply.
So I gave up hope, and I was looking forward to the new job, IF I get it.
Then now, this explains why I'm here. A cooling Friday morning where it'd be really nice to sleep in. Until my phone rang.
They called me up and asked some details, and will approve the application that I did a few thousand times since a few days ago.
So a salesman is going to call me very soon regarding the application.
Looking on the brighter side: At least they're fighting for sales.
Now, how am I going back to sleep.....