Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Minor updates:

Uni's being a bitch. I was slightly motivated in one of my subjects that seem like a constant back-2-back workload of assignments that depresses me. Now I see why it should be a group assignment instead of an individual assignment.

Purely, it's my mistake for taking it up as an individual assignment anyway. But hey, too late to turn back now. I've got a few more days until the whole damned thing is due.

Hopefully all goes well. I've been looking at this excel sheet since this morning and trying to figure out if it was alright. Apparently, it's not. How DO people cope, anyway? Or I'll just conclude that my level of understanding is not equal to those around me for this subject.

Or these subjects, for this matter.

Due to this subject, I had to retract to Windows, and running Windows on my Mac. That was how dead serious I was with this assignment because I was too dead lazy to work with it on my netbook (which is collecting dust until Top Gear, House or How I Met Your Mother releases new episodes.)

Ah, fuck. I think I'm beating myself up too much.

Or too little? Maybe going a step further won't hurt much, right?

I know it won't hurt others. At least it'll show some decent outcome if I perform everything rationally.

Oh, and I cut my finger at work. I still can't play the guitar. I cut my finger at work on Saturday afternoon. I decided to slice off the dead skin at the moment, so I see a bit of my red flesh underneath it. It was a deep diagonal cut. It should be alright by next week, I say. More Neil Zaza/Van Halen practice next week! I'm planning on taking up I'm Alright (generic Neil Zaza anthem) and Van Halen's Panama (Just because it's full of rock n roll groove!)

That's about it from me, guys. Hope you all have a good week ahead.

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